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What’s the Difference Between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy in California?

If you have determined that bankruptcy is a suitable option for resolving your debt, you have probably learned about the outcomes and implications for your future. The benefits of filing bankruptcy are more clear once you do some research and find that you can actually look forward to a brighter future. When you go through the legal process, you emerge debt-free and will no longer be weighed down by crushing debt.

With improved financial standing and remaining debt less, many more opportunities open up. However, there is another important decision to make about the process. You must assess whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the best solution to struggles with outstanding debt.

The two types of cases are similar in some ways, with the overall objective being to resolve your debt. Still, the process and eligibility rules are very different. You can only take advantage of the benefits when you choose the right option for your circumstances.

Fortunately, your California bankruptcy attorney has the knowledge and experience to guide you in making informed decisions. Plus, you can also read on for some background on the difference between Chapters 7 and 13.


Key Differences Between Chapters 7 and 13

A serene landscape depicting a path splitting into two, symbolizing the choice between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This image reflects the journey of making informed financial decisions.

One important distinction between these two types of bankruptcy is that the rules to qualify are far stricter with Chapter 7. This is because the remedy of completely discharging your debt is harsh for the creditor who loses money.

The rules for Chapter 7 are written to ensure that only those filers who truly need debt relief, will be eligible. Chapter 13 rules are more relaxed because there is some satisfaction of the debt through the repayment plan.

Another important difference is that there is no liquidation aspect in a Chapter 13 case. You do not have to worry about your assets being sold off to pay creditors. However, even in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy trustee may not choose to liquidate. If an asset will not bring creditors debtors or a reasonable profit, there is less chance that it will be sold.


How Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Works in California

The rules under Chapter 13 also lead to the discharge of qualifying debts upon completion of the case. However, the primary rule to qualify is simplified. The only requirement is that you have a job and a regular income. This is because the focus of the bankruptcy case is the Chapter 13 debt repayment plan.

As you work through the foreclosure process, you will propose an arrangement to satisfy your debt to creditors. To complete the court approved repayment plan’s terms, you must show that you can pay by having regular employment.

Your debt repayment plan will last 3 to 5 years, depending on your circumstances. The monthly payment amount is one that is based on your income, ensuring it your plan payments is one you can afford. As a result, you will end up paying a portion of what you owe, but mortgage payments are often just a small percentage of mortgage payments. Once you complete the plan and your case ends, all eligible debt is wiped out.


A Deeper Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, known as the wage earner’s plan, enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to make sufficient income to repay creditors all or part of their debts. Under this type of bankruptcy, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over three to five years. Key aspects include:

  • Flexibility in Repayment: Chapter 13 offers the flexibility to restructure debts and extend the repayment period, potentially lowering monthly payments. This can be particularly beneficial for those with secured debts, such as a mortgage or car loan, as it allows for arrearages to be caught up over time.
  • Protection of Assets: One of the most significant benefits of Chapter 13 is the ability to protect your assets from foreclosure or repossession. This pathway provides a solution for those seeking to keep their home or other valuable assets while managing their debt.
  • Debt Limits: It’s important to note that Chapter 13 has debt limits. If your secured and unsecured debts exceed these limits, you may need to consider Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is typically used by businesses but can also apply to individuals with substantial debt.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Basics

The best way to understand how Chapter 7 bankruptcy works is to review the critical rules and steps in the process.

  • The point of Chapter 7 is to discharge debts for those who qualify based on income. All eligible debts are eliminated once the process is complete.
  • The rules to qualify for Chapter 7 are strict, but you may automatically be eligible if your income falls below the state median income level. If your earnings exceed this threshold, you may still qualify through the Means Test. You may be eligible through your income when it is adjusted according to the monthly bills you pay.
  • There is an attempt to satisfy your debt to creditors through liquidation in Chapter 7. The bankruptcy trustee can sell your assets, though only those allowed by law. Plus, you can apply exemptions to protect assets.

In-Depth Look at Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to as liquidation bankruptcy, provides a fresh start for individuals who find themselves unable to meet their financial obligations. It’s designed for those with limited income, offering a way to discharge unsecured debts such as credit card balances, medical bills, and personal loans. Here’s a closer look at the nuances of Chapter 7 in California:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Qualification for Chapter 7 is determined through a means test, which compares your income to the median income for a household of your size in California. If your income is below this threshold, you’re likely eligible. Otherwise, the means test will consider your expenses and income to determine if you qualify.
  • Exemptions in California: California law provides exemptions that allow you to protect certain assets from liquidation, including equity in your home, car, household goods, and retirement accounts. Understanding these exemptions is vital as they play a significant role in protecting your property.
  • The Liquidation Process: Not all assets are sold in a Chapter 7 case. Exempt assets are protected under California law, and in many cases, individuals can keep most of their property. Non-exempt assets, if any, are liquidated by the trustee to pay creditors.


Similar Benefits for Both Types of Bankruptcy in California

An image of a peaceful courtroom with sunlight streaming through, representing the calm and professional environment of the bankruptcy filing process.

Despite the differences line bankruptcy itself, there is one advantage you will enjoy no matter whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With these cases, the US bankruptcy court will impose an automatic stay on creditor efforts to collect your debt. This rule goes into effect immediately when you file your petition, so creditors are barred from:

  • Calling or contacting you;
  • Threatening a lawsuit;
  • Filing a collection lawsuit;
  • Garnishing your wages;
  • Starting or continuing foreclosure proceedings; and,
  • Repossessing your vehicle.

Another benefit of going through bankruptcy is that the stress of being in a dire financial situation disappears. You will not be avoiding creditors and worried about being served with a lawsuit. There are some types of debt you cannot discharge, such as alimony, child support, and some types tax debt because of taxes. However, by eliminating qualifying debt, you free up your earnings to pay those debts or pay creditors debtors you cannot wipe out.


Summary of the Bankruptcy Process in California

The processes for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are similar, and your California bankruptcy lawyer will handle the important legal requirements on your behalf. You can expect your experienced bankruptcy attorney’s fees to lawyer for attorney’s fees and to tackle the following tasks during the proceedings.

  • Gather, review, and organize your financial documents, including paperwork on your assets, income, and debts;
  • Prepare and file the Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition;
  • Represent you at the meeting of creditors, during which you will be asked questions about your petition and finances; and,
  • Wrap up the bankruptcy case and obtain the final order discharging debt.

Choosing Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Financial Goals and Future Planning
Understanding your long-term financial goals is crucial in choosing the right bankruptcy or chapter 13. Chapter 7 might be the best choice if you’re looking for a quick resolution to eliminate unsecured debts. However, if you aim to keep your home and car while restructuring debt payments, Chapter 13 could be more aligned with your objectives. Reflecting on where you see yourself financially in the next five to ten years can guide your decision.

Impact on Credit
Although both bankruptcy types affect your credit, the impact and recovery timeline differ. Chapter 7 bankruptcy remains on your credit report for ten years, whereas Chapter 13 stays for seven years. However, the path to rebuilding your credit can begin immediately after discharge in both cases. Understanding the nuances of credit recovery post-bankruptcy is vital for making an informed choice.

Debt Types and Amounts
The nature and amount of your unsecured debt play a significant role in deciding which bankruptcy chapter to file. Chapter 7 is efficient for discharging unsecured debts, but it has limitations on handling secured debts, like mortgages or car loans, without losing the associated assets. On the other hand, Chapter 13 allows for the reorganization of secured debt, and can include provisions for catching up on missed mortgage or car payments, thereby preventing foreclosure or repossession.

Personal and Financial Circumstances
Personal circumstances, such as your employment status, income stability, and family size, influence the choice between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. For individuals with a steady disposable income exceeding the state median and who can afford a repayment plan, Chapter 13 may offer a viable solution. Conversely, for those with incomes below the state median or with little disposable income, Chapter 7 could provide a quicker relief from debts.


The Bankruptcy Process: Step by Step

Hands holding a vibrant plant growing out of soil, symbolizing regrowth and the fresh start that comes after overcoming financial challenges.

Consultation with a Bankruptcy Attorney
The first step in the bankruptcy process is consulting with a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney. This initial consultation will help you understand your legal options, the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and what chapter best suits your situation.

Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling
Before filing for bankruptcy, you’re required to complete a credit counseling session from an approved agency. This session aims to ensure you understand all available debt relief options, including bankruptcy and its alternatives.

Filing the Bankruptcy Petition
Filing the bankruptcy petition is the formal step that initiates your case. This document includes detailed information about your debts, income, expenses, and assets. For Chapter 13, you’ll also submit a proposed repayment plan.

The Automatic Stay
Upon filing, an automatic stay immediately takes effect, stopping most creditors and debt collectors from continuing collection actions against you. This stay provides relief from harassing phone calls, lawsuits, and other collection activities while your bankruptcy case is pending.

Meeting of Creditors (341 Meeting)
Approximately a month after filing, you’ll attend the meeting of creditors, where the trustee and any interested creditors can ask questions about your finances and the information provided in your bankruptcy filing.

Discharge of Debts
In Chapter 7, debts are typically discharged a few months after filing. In Chapter 13, discharge secured debt only occurs after the court approves the completion of the repayment plan, usually three to five years from the start of the case.

Strategies for Recovery and Rebuilding Credit Post-Bankruptcy

Creating a Budget and Sticking to It
Post-bankruptcy financial management begins with creating a realistic budget that accounts for all your income and expenses. Sticking to this budget is crucial for avoiding future financial distress.

Rebuilding Credit Wisely
After bankruptcy, aim to rebuild your credit score through responsible financial behavior. Start with a secured credit card, use it for small purchases, and pay the balance in full each month. Over time, consider a small installment loan to diversify your credit mix, always ensuring timely payments.

Regular Monitoring of Your Credit Report
Regularly monitoring your credit report is essential for spotting errors or inaccuracies that could impact your credit score. You’re entitled to a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus annually.

Financial Education and Planning
Invest time in financial education to learn about saving, investing, and managing debt. Consider working with a financial advisor to plan for your financial future, including setting up an emergency fund and saving for retirement.

The Role of a Bankruptcy Attorney

A tranquil office setting showcasing an organized desk and a welcoming atmosphere, symbolizing the guidance provided by bankruptcy attorneys.

Navigating the complexities of bankruptcy requires a deep understanding of the law and an awareness of how it applies to your unique situation. Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law specializes in guiding clients through the intricacies of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized advice and representation, ensuring that you make decisions that are in your best interest.

Overview of Life After Bankruptcy

Many people know that there are consequences for their credit when they file bankruptcy, and they affect what is revealed on your credit report and your credit score. A a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case remains part of your history report for ten years, while a Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays for seven years. Your credit score could drop up to 200 points or more, depending on the circumstances.

However, you can rebuild credit after Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Any payments you make for your mortgage, utilities, medical bills and related bills are reported to credit bureaus, showing a positive track record. You may also be able to obtain a secured credit card, debt secured, in which you deposit funds as collateral for the loan.

Financial Stability Post-Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy can provide a much-needed reset button for your financial life, but what comes after is crucial for long-term stability and success. Understanding how to navigate post-bankruptcy challenges is key to making the most of this fresh start. Here’s how you can approach your financial future with confidence and strategic planning:

1. Embrace Financial Education: Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to managing your finances. Seek out resources, workshops, and courses on budgeting, saving, and investing. Many nonprofit organizations offer free or low-cost financial literacy programs that can provide valuable insights into managing money effectively.

2. Develop a Robust Budget: The cornerstone of financial stability is a realistic and comprehensive budget. Post-bankruptcy, it’s essential to track your income and expenses meticulously. Use budgeting tools or apps to help you stay on top of your finances and avoid overspending. Remember, a budget isn’t a one-time setup; it’s an evolving plan that should be reviewed and adjusted regularly.

3. Rebuild Your Credit Wisely: After bankruptcy, you’ll need to rebuild your credit score. Start by obtaining a secured credit card and using it responsibly. This means making small purchases that you can pay off in full each month. As your credit score improves, you can consider other forms of credit, such as a credit builder loan, to further enhance your creditworthiness. Always ensure timely payments and keep your credit utilization low.

4. Plan for Emergencies: An emergency fund is a critical component of financial stability. Start small, even if it’s just a few dollars from each paycheck, and aim to build a reserve of three to six months’ worth of living expenses. This fund acts as a financial buffer that can help you avoid debt in case of unexpected expenses.

5. Consider Long-Term Financial Goals: With your immediate financial situation stabilized, it’s time to think about the future. Whether it’s saving for retirement, purchasing a home, or investing in education, setting clear, achievable goals can guide your financial planning. Consult with a financial advisor to create a strategy that aligns with your objectives and risk tolerance.

6. Stay Informed and Adapt: The financial landscape is constantly changing, and staying informed can help you make better decisions. Keep abreast of changes in tax laws, investment opportunities, and financial products that can impact your finances. Be prepared to adapt your financial plan as your circumstances and goals evolve.

Moving Forward After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can significantly impact your credit, but it also offers a path to rebuild your financial foundation. Post-bankruptcy, it’s essential to adopt sound financial practices, such as budgeting, timely bill payments, and gradually rebuilding credit. Secured credit cards and installment loans can be effective tools for demonstrating financial responsibility to credit bureaus.

Discuss Options with a California Bankruptcy Lawyer

The differences between Chapters 7 and 13 can significantly impact your case, so it is wise to get solid legal advice from the earliest stages of the process. To learn more about the proceedings, please get in touch with Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law to set up a consultation with a member of our team. A California bankruptcy attorney will assess your circumstances and provide personalized details.


Related Content: What Happens to Your House After Bankruptcy in California?

What Happens When a Married Couple Files for Bankruptcy in California?

There are numerous considerations an individual must consider when looking into bankruptcy as an option for addressing debt. When you are a married couple in California, the financial issues are even more complex and thorny. You are no longer just dealing with your own struggles with debt because your spouse’s interests and future are also at the forefront. You are united as a team personally, financially, and in many other ways. With bankruptcy, you could take advantage of the benefits, but you would also be affected by factors afterward.

Continue reading “What Happens When a Married Couple Files for Bankruptcy in California?”

What Happens to Your Home After Bankruptcy in California?

When you are weighed down by crushing debt and unable to keep up with bills, it is understandable that you would consider all possible options to resolve your financial struggles. Bankruptcy in California may be a solution for many debtors, and there are numerous benefits that could support your goals. When you discharge eligible debt, you get a fresh start, easing your stress and opening the door to new opportunities. You can accomplish your goals through either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, whichever type of bankruptcy suits your circumstances. For many debtors in California, ‘Home After Bankruptcy’ emerges as a critical consideration

Continue reading “What Happens to Your Home After Bankruptcy in California?”

What Happens to Your Car After Bankruptcy in California?

Owning a car is more than just having a means of transportation, as a vehicle is essential for you to get to work, attend personal errands, and support your family. Considering the important role it plays in your life, you no doubt have concerns about what happens to your car after bankruptcy in California. You might be aware that the bankruptcy court can take certain assets, and living without a car is not an option. Fortunately, you may have access to better options. Protecting your vehicle is possible in many cases.

Continue reading “What Happens to Your Car After Bankruptcy in California?”

Will I Have to Go to Court for Bankruptcy in California?

Many people have concerns about filing for bankruptcy in California, especially the impact on credit scores that they worry will follow them around for the rest of their lives. These fears may be justified, but it is important to consider them alongside the benefits for your financial future. With Chapter 7, you discharge your debt entirely as long as you qualify. Chapter 13 offers the option to repay debt at a fraction of what you would owe, according to a monthly plan that you can afford. With both types of bankruptcy, you enjoy the automatic stay that stops creditors from attempting to collect your debt.

Continue reading “Will I Have to Go to Court for Bankruptcy in California?”

How Can I Avoid Bankruptcy in California?

Facing financial difficulties can be overwhelming, especially when bankruptcy seems like the only option. However, with careful planning and proactive measures, you can avoid bankruptcy and regain control of your financial situation. In this blog post, we will provide you with nine essential tips to help you avoid bankruptcy in California.

1. Assess Your Financial Situation

The first step towards avoiding bankruptcy is to thoroughly assess your current financial situation. Take a detailed look at your income, expenses, assets, and debts. Understanding the full picture will enable you to identify areas where you can make adjustments and develop a plan to improve your financial standing.

2. Create a Realistic Budget

One of the most effective ways to avoid bankruptcy is by creating a realistic budget. Start by evaluating your income and expenses, and identify areas where you can cut back. Prioritize essential expenses such as housing, utilities, and groceries. Cut back on discretionary spending and identify areas where you can reduce costs. Consider eliminating unnecessary expenses and find ways to save money, such as cooking at home instead of eating out or canceling unused subscriptions.  By adhering to a well-defined budget, you can allocate funds toward paying off debts and building an emergency fund, ultimately preventing financial instability.

3. Increase Your Income

Boosting your income can significantly improve your financial situation and help you avoid bankruptcy. Consider taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or starting a side business. Evaluate your skills and passions to identify opportunities that align with your expertise. The extra income can be used to pay off debts faster or build an emergency fund for future financial security. Additionally, you can sell unused items or rent out a spare room to generate extra income. Every additional dollar earned can help you avoid bankruptcy.

4. Negotiate with Creditors

If you’re struggling to make payments on your debts, don’t hesitate to reach out to your creditors. Many creditors are willing to negotiate new payment terms, lower interest rates, or even settle for a reduced amount to avoid the possibility of you filing for bankruptcy. Explain your financial situation honestly and provide them with a proposed repayment plan that you can afford. Open communication can often lead to more manageable debt repayment plans.

5. Seek Credit Counseling

Credit counseling agencies can provide valuable guidance and assistance in managing your finances. They can offer personalized advice, help you create a debt management plan, and provide educational resources to improve your financial literacy. Non-profit credit counseling agencies approved by the Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program can offer reliable assistance and support.

6. Explore Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single loan with more favorable terms. This can simplify your repayment process and potentially lower your overall interest rates. Research different consolidation options, such as personal loans or balance transfer credit cards, and carefully consider the associated costs and benefits. Keep in mind that debt consolidation should be approached cautiously to avoid accumulating additional debt.

7. Explore Debt Settlement

Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditors to settle your debts for less than the full amount owed. Typically, this process begins when you are unable to make your monthly payments and have fallen significantly behind on your debts. Instead of continuing to struggle with payments or considering bankruptcy, debt settlement offers a potential solution to reduce your overall debt burden.

8. Protect Your Assets

California has specific bankruptcy exemptions that safeguard certain assets from being seized to repay debts. Familiarize yourself with these exemptions and take appropriate measures to protect your assets. Consulting with a qualified California bankruptcy attorney can provide valuable guidance on how to safeguard your property, retirement savings, and other assets within the limits of California’s exemption laws.

9. Seek Professional Financial Advice

When facing financial difficulties, seeking professional advice can be invaluable. Consult with a reputable financial advisor who specializes in debt management. They can help you analyze your financial situation, provide personalized advice, and guide you toward the best course of action. Additionally, they can offer alternatives to bankruptcy, such as debt consolidation or debt settlement.

How can I stop wage garnishment?

If you are facing wage garnishment from a creditor, Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law wants to help you learn how to put an end to the financial strain and embarrassment it might be causing. Wage garnishment means that your employer is withholding a certain amount of your paycheck and providing the funds to a creditor to whom you owe a debt. How can you stop wage garnishment in California and find relief from debt collectors?

The answer is bankruptcy. When you file for bankruptcy, collection activities are halted by what is called an automatic stay. Creditors are prohibited to continue any wage garnishment or other debt collection actions under an automatic stay. If they wish to resume, they may petition the court to lift the stay, but only if they have a valid reason for doing so. If the debt is discharged through the bankruptcy filing, creditors may not continue wage garnishment after your case has been concluded.

Important notes about wage garnishment and bankruptcy include:

  • Child support or alimony payments that are being garnished from your wages are not covered under the automatic stay
  • Under certain conditions, you may be able to recover wages that have already been garnished within a 90-day period before filing
  • If your bankruptcy claim is dismissed and the debt for which your wages are being garnished has not been discharged, the creditor may continue with wage garnishment
  • There is a chance that creditors may not be alerted of the bankruptcy filing in time to halt garnishments, so you should also alert your company’s payroll department and your local sheriff’s office

To learn more about how to stop wage garnishment in California, contact our Oakland bankruptcy lawyers at Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law. We can discuss your legal options in a free consultation. Get started by calling us today!

Can I file Bankruptcy while in the Military?

Those in the military have the same right as any to file for bankruptcy relief and actually enjoy certain benefits over civilian debtors. On the other hand, filing for bankruptcy can also affect your security clearance in some situations.

Service members are offered federal protection in civil actions thanks to the Service-member’s Civil Relief Act, or SCRA. This act allows courts the right to put a stay or postpone bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy proceedings being taken against military personnel while they are on active duty. These protections are separate from the automatic stay normally provided by bankruptcies.

Exemptions from Means Testing

Normally, those looking to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy need to pass a means test in order to disqualify those debtors who have enough disposable income to repay part of their debts from filing for bankruptcy. Disabled veterans, however, who have debts which were incurred mainly while on active duty, are not required to complete such a means test to qualify for Chapter 7.

Furthermore, National Guard members and reserve units of the armed forces who were called up for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001 are also excluded form a Chapter 7 means test while on active duty and for 540 days afterwards. Those who qualify must still complete the means test form no more than 14 days after the beginning of the 540-day exclusion period.

While your security clearance will not be affected automatically by filing for bankruptcy, it can factor into a decision regarding your clearance along with your job performance and relationships with superiors and coworkers.

Clearance decisions are made on a case by case basis but having a considerable amount of debt can be seen as a negative to your superiors. You should inquire into how your clearance may be affected before you even file for bankruptcy.

Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law, our Oakland bankruptcy lawyers help clients in financial distress make important and positive decision to help manage their debt. If you are in the military currently or a veteran, speak with our firm for legal counsel!

Can I Buy a Vehicle After Filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

After filing for bankruptcy, it almost feels like all big purchases are off limits. After all, your finances just underwent an intense amount of scrutiny and passed through the ringer, so to speak. While bankruptcy can make it more difficult to purchase items such as a car or a home, it’s certainly not impossible.

Can I Get an Auto Loan with an Open Chapter 13 Case?

Those who are looking to purchase a new car with an active Chapter 13 case are able to get a car loan under certain conditions.

There are two options to purchasing a vehicle after Chapter 13:

  • Wait for your bankruptcy discharge which doesn’t occur until the end of your repayment plan
  • Request permission from your trustee to take out a car loan before your discharge

The first option may take longer, but the second one can be infinitely more difficult. Many lenders are hesitant to give you a car loan if they know you just filed for bankruptcy and there are companies just looking to scam you out of your money.

Tips to Getting a Car Loan While in a Chapter 13

  • Plan and budget. Make sure that a monthly car payment is within your budget and won’t affect your ability to pay your payment plan. Stick to a reasonable vehicle that is affordable.
  • Review the options at your own bank first. If they’re unwilling to lend to you, it’s time to do your research. An attorney can simplify the process for you and may be able to recommend a trusted lender. You should also research your options thoroughly before signing any papers; the last thing you want is more financial trouble.
  • Be aware of guaranteed loans despite credit scores, wire transfer requests, and requests for fees right when you sign up. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau for further verification.
  • Get approval from the court. After you have a car loan lender, it’s time to obtain approval from the bankruptcy court. They will assess your bankruptcy income, the amount of the loan you’re applying for, and whether you have the means to pay that loan back over time. The motion you file with the court will go further into detail regarding your loan and the car you wish to purchase.

Getting a Car Loan After Your Bankruptcy Is Done

In some cases, it may make sense to wait until after your bankruptcy is complete to get a new car. By waiting, you can use this time to rebuild your credit and save up for a down payment, which can likely qualify you for better auto loan terms.

We’re Here to Guide you

Life after bankruptcy can be intimidating, especially when you have plans to commit to a large purchase. Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law has the resources to make this process as seamless as possible. Not only have we been named as one of the Top 100 Firms by the Debt Education and Certification Foundation, we offer legal counsel in English, Vietnamese, Spanish, and Greek.

Call our Oakland bankruptcy lawyers today to receive award-winning legal counsel while purchasing your post-bankruptcy vehicle!

How Fast Does Bankruptcy Work?

Once you’ve made the decision to file for bankruptcy, it is common to just want to get the entire process over with. But with so many varying opinions, is there any way to know how long it actually takes? There’s no doubt that every case is different and the timeframes vary from person to person. Regardless, the following information can at least give you the barebones of what to expect from start to finish.

How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can take as little as three months, but may last up to six months depending on the way that you file. In a limited asset case, creditors have nothing to follow up on and everything is said and done in roughly four months. For asset-based filing, the entire process may take longer because there is more to process.

How Long Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Take?

Chapter 13 bankruptcy on average lasts 3-5 years. This is due to the repayment plan each individual is required to complete before your debt is discharged. However, the quicker you’re able to repay your debt, the faster you can say goodbye to bankruptcy.

How Long Will an Emergency Bankruptcy Take?

Emergency bankruptcy is exactly what it sounds like: an option for people who want an automatic stay with haste. Not everyone can file, but for those who are interested, the necessary documents must be filled out within 14 days or your case may be dismissed. It’s much quicker than either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and is beneficial if you need an automatic stay immediately.

Talk to an Experienced Attorney

No matter what chapter you’re hoping to file for, Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law wants to meet your needs along the way. Get in touch with our Oakland bankruptcy attorney for representation you can count on!

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