Whether you're being harassed by creditors for overdue bills, are facing foreclosure, or need to file bankruptcy, the financial professionals at Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law are here for you with a wide range of services.
If you have unmanageable medical bills, credit card bills, utility bills, or other unsecured debt, consider the advantages of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
If you are burdened by financial obligations and need to restructure your payments, consider the advantages of Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Talk to the experts at Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law about the best way to protect your automobile from repossession, and your home from foreclosure.
If you’re behind your payment schedule on an eligible type of loan, we can help you restructure it with lower interest rates and a longer repayment period.
Few things are as unpleasant as looking at your paycheck to see that your wages have been garnished for overdue bills. Allow our team to jump into action and make sure that it doesn’t happen again.
We are always here for our friends and neighbors in Irvine, California, offering top-notch financial services. Let us customize a strategy to help you reestablish your creditworthiness and money flow.
We honestly care about producing the best results for each of our esteemed clients. We'll take the time to understand your unique situation so that we can deliver the best set of financial tools to help you.
We understand how stressful financial hardship can be. Let us help you on your journey to regrow your economic strength and live a more financially lucrative life.
After bankruptcy, we'll be here for you to help you plan and reestablish your financial might. Allow us the privilege of helping you grow your assets and improve your credit rating.
Collaborate with our financial professionals and enjoy fast relief from the stress of creditor harassment. We're excited about the chance to assist!
All Consultations Are Free & Confidential
Fill out the form here or reach our bankruptcy law firm by phone at (877) 969-7482!
Yes, filing for bankruptcy initiates an automatic stay, which prevents debt collectors from continuing to contact you, including creditors involved in civil lawsuits against you.
Yes, you are legally allowed to file for multiple bankruptcies. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may file, if you’re eligible, once every eight years.
No. However, Chapter 7 bankruptcy will discharge most or all of your unsecured debts, which are not backed by collateral. And Chapter 13 bankruptcy doesn’t wipe debts out at all, but rather, restructures them with easier payments.
Yes, you can include financial obligations that resulted from a failed business partnership in a Chapter 7 petition. When you file Chapter 7 as an individual, all unsecured debt is erased, whether it’s personal or business-related.
Alimony and child support are classified as priority debts, meaning they cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. However, you can typically include these obligations in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to reorganize the payment schedule so that it’s more manageable.
Unsecured debts are financial obligations that are not backed by collateral – like utility bills, medical bills, credit card bills, personal loans, and unpaid rent.
Secured debts are those that are backed up by collateral. Some examples include precious metals like gold, your home and property, automobiles, and cash.
The underlying principle behind bankruptcy is to give citizens of the United States fresh fiscal beginnings when they have become overly stressed due to financial difficulties. You’re not meant to live your life under crushing debt!
You can contact our friendly and helpful team anytime by calling (877) 969-7482. And if you’re in the neighborhood, stop in and say hello to us at 7677 Oakport St Ste 550, Oakland, CA 94621. We’re here to help!